6 Weeks of Nurturing Care & Self-Discovery
Imagine a life where you no longer carry the burdens of the past, where you stand in your power, fully aligned with your truest essence.
Through a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques, Nat’s holistic facials and energy sessions help you delve into the depths of your being, unravelling the threads of ancestral patterns and past life experiences that shape your present reality. With the support of an online portal in between treatments, you'll uncover the hidden layers of your soul's journey, gaining invaluable insights into your purpose and potential.
You’ll learn how to…
Calm the nervous system
Unpack and release the past
Identify programming that is keeping you stuck
Find root causes of limiting beliefs
Discover your life's passions and purpose
Bring your dreams to reality
Over The Course of Only 6 Weeks
A soulful combination of 3x To Connect Holistic Facials and 3x To Balance Energy Sessions with Nat.
90 minutes holistic facial
This holistic facial not only grounds and calms your nervous system, but also allows you to gently explore the root causes of the traumas and blocks you hold, and release these from your body.
This Facial is a soothing way to uncover belief systems, trapped emotions and sabotages that may be affecting your goals in life.
60 minutes energy sessions
Available in person or online. These Energy sessions (not a facial) enable us to work deeply on the areas of your life you would like to release trauma and blockages from.
We continue the healing work in between facials, to uncover and move through what has been held in the subconscious, to free you from what is holding you back.
This online portal will provide you with the holistic tools to dive deeper in between the weekly sessions with Nat. Backed with a library of information and guided energy practices, you’ll be able to invite a new unapologetic version of yourself free from subconscious patterns and bondages of the past!
This is for you if…
You feel ready to let go of deep-rooted traumas that are in the way of your happiness
You have a strong desire to move forward after a difficult period
You are ready to address root causes of anxiety or depression
You are tired of re-playing your patterns over and over in a vicious loop
You want to discover your true purpose
You aspire to shine your light from the inside out
To Hold
The Six Week Journey.
This week we are looking at the nervous system. When the body is stressed and anxious it is not able to come to a safe space for healing.
In our first session, we are releasing emotions, grounding your energy and supporting your nervous system to feel safe to look at the past and heal.
This week we are unpacking the past. Your body will guide us to the original events which are blocking you from the life we want to live.
Our past traumas, relationships and perceived failures shape who we are today and can make us feel small and disconnected from self. We look at the traumas that have not healed and start to release these from the body.
This week we are looking at where our programming comes from - our childhood, past lives, our ancestors or our soul’s decision.
Our programming can attract things into our lives that don’t serve us, we can repeat the same patterns in different periods of our lives.
When we bring awareness to a pattern, we can become more conscious moving through our lives and start to break the cycle.
This week we are looking closer at your belief systems. We identify your triggers and the beliefs you were taught growing up. Then we start to question if they serve you anymore.
When identifying belief systems that no longer serve us, we can release them from the subconscious and reprogram them to ensure we are not living out the beliefs we have formed as a child. This will allow you to step into your future on stable ground.
This week we are ready to look to the future. What it is that you really want, your passions, your why.
We work on giving ourselves the permission to dream big, and to trust we are worthy of our desires. When we are stuck in subconscious patterns, we can be our own worst critics and lose faith in our abilities to achieve our dreams. We can identify anything that is blocking you from taking the steps toward your dreams or unlocking your passions.
In the first 4 weeks, we have calmed the nervous system and started to identify traumas, beliefs, programming and burdens we are carrying from our ancestors or past lives.
Healing the past gives us space to look at the future with enthusiasm and believe in infinite possibilities.
WEEK 6. clearing your soul's path
This is the last session of the series. We tune into what is still blocking you from moving forward, what is standing between you and your dreams.
We are layered beings. As you can imagine, after so many years of experiences, repeating patterns and repetitive trauma, your body takes time to feel safe to unravel and go to the depths of the pain. We may need to revisit events or beliefs. And as we do, your body allows us to gain a deeper understanding of how you are affected by your past and clear the debris so that you can step onto your soul’s path.
Nat is a beauty therapist and holistic practitioner who blends facial treatments and energy healing techniques, providing a grounding journey of deep relaxation, growth, and transformation. After years of nurturing her clients, she realized they needed more support and education in between treatments. She developed an in-depth program that teaches the holistic tools she uses herself to identify and release blockages, helping to re-program patterns that keep people stuck in an unwanted life. With Nat's gentle guidance, your true spirit will unveil, painting a horizon of a fulfilling future, free from the ghosts of the past.
— In Hand
“Beautiful Nat. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your 6 week program with me. The combination of the Energy Balancing Facials and the Balancing Sessions were exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Your warm, loving, gentle, kind, open and intuitive approach made it very very easy for me to feel safe and comfortable in our sessions. I rave about you to all of my friends and family and think everyone needs a Nat in their life. Eternally grateful!”
Lucy Brownless
“It was the greatest facial of my life. Have you ever cried after a facial to your facialist? No? well I hadn’t either until this morning She’s a real life angel. For real. With UNBELIEVABLE gifts for energy work. She shifted & cleared some stuff i had been carrying practically my whole life.”
Anna Rose
“In hand was an amazing experience, as a newbie to the facial sessions, Nat was kind, thoughtful, and knowledgeable with her feedback. It was incredible to understand the process of letting go and dismissing energy that didn’t serve me well.
Thank you In Hand and Nat!”
Todd Liubinskas
The online content is something that you can tap into at any time throughout the week. It can be digested in small moments and the practices can be incorporated into your daily life.
This is a platform to help you, not to make you feel overwhelmed.
If you dont get to all the weeks lessons, you can come back to it the next week.
The Online Holistic Portal is there to support you on your inner journey. It is not essential to complete anything before your next in person session. The Portal will help you understand the science behind your life, expand your spiritual awareness and give you tools to help support your healing. But this portal is not meant to be a hassle or something you have to do. If you are inspired and interested to explore, please do. If not, your sessions are powerful and profound, they stand alone.
No, you dont have to book your sessions at the same time every week. We would however recommend that the sessions are booked in weekly. This is to keep the momentum of the program.
We advise to allow this deep healing time to integrate. Get familiar with your new discoveries and comfortable with what is coming up in your awareness.
And when you are ready, we invite you to consider continuing your growth with ongoing, in-person sessions. These sessions can be monthly or when ever you feel called to continue.
Our learning never stops – and neither does our journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.